
The complete platform with all solutions

Augment individual point solutions by plugging them into Orbit’s powerful SaaS platform




Align efficiency, profitability and sustainability

A more efficient fleet optimizes bunker consumption, improves profits and positively impacts sustainability, letting you do “good” and do “well” at the same time


Orbit enriches existing systems with AI and powerful dashboards

Orbit absorbs and enriches data from your VMS and other systems with AI. Over time, as you see the value Orbit delivers, you can simplify your technology stack and keep only those products you want


Impact every line on the balance sheet

Experienced professionals from the maritime, energy, and enterprise technology industries created Orbit to optimize revenue, minimize capex, maximize margin and drive recurring ROI

Key Benefits


Manage the pace of digital transformation

Most firms aren’t ready to replace all their current systems at once. Nor should they. Choose the Orbit solution that will get you to value quickly, then expand from there


Invest in long-term innovation

Ever invest in a solution that was obsolete the moment it went live? No more. Orbit’s modular architecture makes it easy to innovate and add new features


Minimize double entry

Typing identical information over and over wastes time and creates errors. Orbit absorbs previously entered data from other systems and cascades it across the platform


Tie your teams together across time-zones

Collaborate with colleagues and customers across the globe. Workflow tools let you make changes and leave comments. Audit trails indicate author and change chronology

For Experts By Experts

Eliminate wasteful reformatting into spreadsheets

Keep an eye on your fleet, conduct analysis inside the Orbit platform and export to .xls without tedious reformatting


Reduce the risk and frustration of managing passwords

Reduce the risk and frustration of managing multiple passwords​ with a secure single sign-on

Are you ready to learn more?