OrbitMI Named a Leader In Voyage Optimisation
We at OrbitMI are both proud and humbled to be named as a “Leader” in Voyage Optimisation by Thetius in their recently released research report.

Being in the upper right quadrant of any objective marketplace review--like this one or this one—means a lot to us, especially when you consider the list of companies that were reviewed (see below).
But it means more to the maritime marketplace. The marketplace for maritime software has exploded over the last few years with new entrants appearing every month. Making sense of these companies can be challenging for customers:
- What do they do?
- Are they any good?
- Do they have customers?
- How long have they been around?
- Does the technology exist or is it just a slick presentation?
These are only a few questions that buyers have asked.
Buyers need help in making these decisions. The market maps that groups such as Thetius, Skysail Advisors and other organizations create help ship owners, pool managers and other buyers make decisions quickly and with confidence.
We’d like to help buyers, too. Working with our customers and stakeholders, our development team continuously creates new features and improves existing ones. The pace of innovation is often faster than we can communicate these upgrades.
Thus, we wanted to share a bit about what’s new. Below, you’ll read about some--only some—of the changes we’ve made over the last few months.
Watch this space. More news to come.

Orbit Sentry: Vessel Tracking & Notifications Solution
- Tropical Storm tracks: Users can select the “Tropical Storms” layer on the map to see each named storm, its historical and current positions—visualized as a track, with the Cone of Uncertainty--and a symbol that indicates it’s strength.
- Granular fuel types included in Distance Calculator and Emission Estimator filter.

Orbit Comply: Sustainability & Compliance Solution
- CII Features
- All CII calculations incorporate correction factors
- Daily calculation of AER and CII rating for all vessels
- CII ratings for each vessel are displayed on the Fleet Dashboard
- Users can estimate AER, and CII ratings in the Distance Calculator

Orbit Weather +: Weather Routing Solution
- Simulate vessel movement on route advice with weather layers and values in background, so you can see how the weather will impact a particular route
- Specify restricted areas when requesting an automated route
- New route requests are prepopulated with boilerplate information to eliminate repetitive entry
- Post-Voyage Warranty Performance Report generated for every voyage
- Select multiple instructed speeds in a single routing request
- Automated daily performance indicator (DPI) emails send to vessel
- Review hindcast weather conditions by day, hour or specific date
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