Meet the Team: Slavisa Djokic

David Levy
July 22, 2021

Meet Slavisa Djokic

At OrbitMI, it’s our maritime intelligence platform that our customers know, but it’s the fantastic people that make us, well, us!

Next up in our continuing blog series on members of the OrbitMI team is Slavisa Djokic, our VP of Engineering. Slavisa is part of the small team that first built Orbit; he manages a team of 17 programmers who know the platform inside and out.  

Fun Facts


·Working on Orbit was his first experience in the maritime industry

·Before the pandemic, Slavisa enjoyed traveling extensively for work
·Slavisa lives in Niš, Serbia, with his wife and two daughters


Primary role at OrbitMI

Slavisa has been with Orbit since the very beginning, and is very proud to see the progress his team has made over the years. He loves the "wow" factor when people first see what Orbit can do, and enjoys learning about and delivering the technology that customers need.

When asked what he likes most about working at OrbitMI, he said that he enjoys the near limitless possibilities for new features, partnering with a wide array of different companies and technology providers, and developing at a high standard of quality. One of the things he enjoys most is talking with and converting people who are initially nervous about new technology. He's very proud of the development team and thankful for all the different people he works with.

Make sure you take a look at the previous Meet the Team blogs and learn more about the wonderful employees that make up the OrbitMI team!


Meet the team


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